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The old idiot was cal'latin' to FLY. Seems that for years he'd been experimentin' with what he called 'aeroplanes, and now he'd reached the stage where he b'lieved he could flap his wings and soar. 'Thinks I, says Nate, 'your life work's cut out for you, Nate Scudder.

Well, if I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have b'lieved that a human being could spin so long or travel so fast on his back. His legs made a kind of smoky circle in the air over him, and he'd got such a start I thought he'd NEVER STOP a-going.

"Well, well, well!" said the Captain reverently, and still in the same low tone. "I said once afore that I b'lieved you was sent here, and now I'm sure of it. It seems almost as if you was sent to ME, don't it?" The housekeeper still looked out of the window, but she answered simply, "I don't know." "It does, it does so. Marthy, we've been happy together while you've been here.

"Yes," she went on, "after you said last night that you b'lieved us children could turn your hair white in a single night, I thought I'd make believe we did. So, and you know, Grandma, you told me I could stay around in your room for a while, and look at your pretty things, so, when I saw that queer sort of a powder-shaker I couldn't help playing with it.

She hadn't never offered to help mother, and she went off to the sewing-circle and told that Miss Langdon hadn't got no feelings at all, and she b'lieved she'd just as soon beg for a livin' as not. Polly Mariner, the tailoress, come and told mother all she said next day, but mother only smiled, and set Polly to talkin' about the best way to make over her old cloak.

I made a-plenty cotton an' I teached my chillun to be good blue stockin' Presbyterians. All 'roun' de country I was knowed an' ever'body b'lieved in me. "Maybe things is better lak dey is today. Mos' folks says so anyway. But if Old Marster were a-livin' I'd be better off. I know dat to be so. "I can hear 'im say to me new, 'Prince Albert, who is you named for?

When the cage reached him, he helped the two passengers out, and took them to his hut. With Ruth he had always been a favourite, and he welcomed her with admiring and affectionate respect. "Never b'lieved you could have done it, Miss Devlin never!

"My God, you've shook the sawl of un!" cried Billy, starting forward, but the miller with an effort recovered his self-possession, scanned the paper, dropped it, and lifted up his voice in lamentation. "True past altering 't is a thing done! May God forgive you for this wicked deed, Phoebe Lyddon I'd never have b'lieved it of 'e never not if an angel had tawld me.

"Laws-a-massy, child, ef ye would jes hev b'lieved me 'bout'n them Kittredges Abs'lom in partic'lar ye'd be happy an' free now," said the old man, his imagination somewhat extending his experience, for he had had no knowledge of his son-in-law until their relationship began. The evening wore drearily on.

An' he b'lieved he could double the water right by tunnelin'." "Why don't he tunnel away, then? Nobody's a-carin'," demanded the old woman shrilly. "That's what I told 'im; and he 'lowed, of course, he wasn't a-goin' to put money into another feller's water right.