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Believe me, chief, I'm right glad of this opportunity to have revenge on him. That's what I have been saying to him." "Ugh!" grunted the savage, apparently satisfied with the explanation. "Neow, capting!" angrily shouted the rifleman, once more raising his piece to the level, "look e' out! Don't be skeert abeout my hittin' o' ye! The whang lies well ageen the bit o' timber. The ball's a big un.

Zoo wi'out any mwore ham-chammy we ageën raise our cyder cups to ee, wi' th' pious pray'r on our lips that Heaven ull prosper ee, an' we assure ee that Darset Men ull ever sheen as oone o' th' bright jools in yer Crown. I d' bide, az avoretime, an' vor all time, Thy Vaithful Sarvint,

Instantly one of the men halted her, swung her about, clapped a palm over her mouth, and she saw him staring balefully down into her face. "You do that ageen I keel you!" he hissed. It was the evil-eyed man who had spied upon Queen Zelaya, as she had worshipped the pearl necklace in the van the evening before. Ruth was stricken dumb and motionless.

"Come to your senses, men!" he cried, advancing at the arrested crowd. "Come back, Mr. Baker!" called the master's quiet voice. He obeyed unwillingly. There was a minute of silence, then a deafening hubbub arose. Above it Archie was heard energetically: "If ye do oot ageen I wull tell!" There were shouts. "Don't!" "Drop it!" "We ain't that kind!"