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The same after-care is necessary in such cases as is given in fractures of other bones. Two months after the injury has been done, the application of a blistering ointment to the entire region is of benefit. Results.

No special after-care is necessary if drainage is perfect, except that one should avoid injecting the wound cavity with aqueous solutions unless it be absolutely necessary to cleanse such cavity, and then it is best to swab the wound rather than to irrigate it freely. Shoulder Atrophy.

In females where the body of the ischium is fractured, lacerations of the vagina may be present, and this constitutes a serious complication which usually terminates fatally. After-care in fracture of the pelvic girdle consists principally in allowing a protracted period of rest before subjects are put to work. Fractures of the Femur. Etiology and Occurrence.

When properly performed and the animal given special after-care, the operation is not followed by any serious complications. An abnormally large, diseased testicle is sometimes met with that cannot be removed in the usual way, and which complicates and increases the difficulty of operating. CAPONIZING. The castration or caponizing of the male chicken is commonly practised in certain localities.

The Army attaches much importance to what may be called the after-care of the cases, for the lack of which so many people who pass through Homes and then return to ordinary life, break down, and become, perhaps, worse than they were before. The seven devils of Scripture are always ready to re-occupy the swept and garnished soul, especially if they be the devils of drink.

This minimizes granulation of tissue, and there results less scar if the detached portions are kept near, even if not in contact with the proximal wound margins. The skin together with subcutaneous fascia is sutured on either side unless drainage is to be provided for on one side, and the lowermost part of that side is left unsutured. After-care.

Where a great degree of counter irritation is thought necessary, line-firing with the actual cautery is the remedy par excellence. After-care.

However, because of the economic element to be reckoned with, it is of some value to be able to give a fairly accurate prognosis in the handling of cases of lameness, as in the majority of instances the treatment and manner of after-care are determined largely by the expense that any prescribed line of attention will occasion.

Are there not too many who must look back on a part, at least, of their time here as wasted; on the seeds of bad habits sown, which, if conquered by after-care, yet, for a long time, were injurious to them? Are there not too many who carry away from here, instead of good notions, to be ripened and improved, evil notions, to be weeded out and destroyed?

After-care consists in restriction of exercise and, if necessary, confining the subject in a sling and the application of a vesicant over the scapulohumeral region. Inflammation of the Bicipital Bursa. Anatomy. This synovial bursa forms a smooth groove through which the biceps brachii glides in the anterior scapulohumeral region.