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Careful aseptic precautions must be observed in operating on colts, as they are very susceptible to wound infection and peritonitis. The blood-vessels of the testicular cord are larger in the adult animals, and the danger from haemorrhage is greater than in the young. For this reason, it is advisable to use an emasculator in castrating all mature animals. Complications Following Castration.

If the object causing the choke is situated in the neck portion of the oesophagus, it may sometimes be moved forward, or toward the stomach by pressure with the fingers. CASTRATION. The castration of the male is a common operation in domestic animals. The purpose of the operation is to render the animal more useful for work or meat production.

As mentioned above, he argues from the fact that injury or disease of the ovaries may lead to the development of male characters in the female, that the female is heterozygous for sex, and from the supposed fact that castration of the male leads merely to the non-appearance of male somatic characters, that the female sex-factor is wanting in the male.

The fact that castration can no longer be properly considered a punishment, is shown by the possibility of deliberately seeking the operation simply for the sake of convenience, as a preferable and most effective substitute for the adoption of preventive methods in sexual intercourse. I am only at present acquainted with one case in which this course has been adopted.

In February this same bird was seen to attempt to tread a hen, while the white one, supposed to be less perfectly emasculated, had never shown such male instinct. The White Leghorn cock was killed and dissected on May 13, 1911, nine months after castration.

Of course, stock raisers and poultry fanciers have noted the interesting outcome of castration for about as long as their professions have existed. And for ages the diminution of sexual activity as a predecessor to the decadence of senility has been harped upon.

In castrating sheep, all wool in the region of the scrotal sac should be clipped off, as this interferes with drainage from the wound. Exercise following castration is almost as essential as clean quarters. Lack of exercise leads to oedematous swelling in the region of the scrotum, and the lips of the incision may become adhered if the animal is at rest.

In Lepidoptera among insects the evidence concerning castration tends to prove that hormones from the gonads play no part at all in the development of somatic sexual characters. Exper. Zool. Oudemans had previously obtained the same result in the Gipsy Moth, Limantria dispar.

The rite of the Persians: Castration has been practiced from remote antiquity, and is a feature of the harem life of the Levant to the present day. Semiramis is accused of having been the first to order the emasculation of a troupe of her boy slaves.

It would have been just as logical to deny the proved effects of castration, because it was impossible to conceive of any means by which the testes could affect the development of a distant part of the body. But this is not all.