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Fordive me one time more, and I never will adain;" and she never did. Two or three years after this, Poppy went to live in the country, and tried some new pranks. One day she went with her sister Nelly to see a man plough, for that sort of thing was new to her. While the man worked, she saw him take out a piece of something brown, and bite off a bit. "What's that?" asked Poppy.

"Oo knows!" he answered, and went away sucking his thumb. A moment after, I heard him calling out of his nest, a great way up a walnut tree of enormous size, "Up adain, king! Dood night! I seepy!" And I heard no more of him till he woke me in the morning. I lay down by a tree, and one and one or in little groups, the children left me and climbed to their nests.

They entered the bedroom together. Carry's eye instantly caught sight of the trunk. "Are you dowin' away adain, Mamma?" she said with a quick nervous look, and a clutch at the woman's dress. "No-o," said Mrs. Tretherick, looking out of the window. "Only playing your dowin' away," suggested Carry with a laugh. "Let me play too." Mrs. Tretherick assented.

"Adain," she said joyously. "Make anozer light." He struck another match, but sheltered it with his hand till he'd got his cigar going, his daughter blowing vigorously all the time. "Now," she said, "you can be a nengine and I'll be the tlain." Round that drawing-room the unfortunate Hugo ran, encouraged in his efforts by blasts upon the trumpet.

There were four-and-twenty sailors a-skipping on the deck, And they were little white mice with rings about their neck. The captain was a duck, with a jacket on his back, And when the ship began to sail, the captain cried, "Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!" The captain cried, "Quack! Quack!" "What nelse?" Fay asked again. "There isn't any nelse, that's all." "Adain," said Fay.

It was while Miss Emily was winding the toy that Dr. McKenzie noticed her bands. They were young hands, quick and delightful hands. They hovered over the toy, caressingly, beat time to the music, rested for a moment on the shoulders of the little boy as he stood finally with upturned face and tied-up parcel. "I'm coming adain," he told her. "Again ." "Ag-yain ," patiently. "I hope you will."

"Do you love cousin Claudia?" "'Es, but she wates me up and stares me; don't let she tome adain, Bee." "No, I will not; but poor Claudia is not happy; won't you ask the Lord to bless poor Claudia? He hears little children like you!" "'Es; tell me what to say, Bee."

"Me alluz has." "Not ALWAYS." He nodded his head rapidly. Then added slowly, and with great elaboration, "Et mo'nins, et affernoons, et nights, 'nd mo'nins adain. There was no doubt it was the truth. Those eyes did not seem to be in the habit of lying. After all, the medicine could not hurt him. His nurse was at a little distance gazing absently at the sea.

"Oh, wunnerfulest Untle Georgiecums!" she cried, for that was now the gentleman's name. "If Johnnie McCormack hear Untle Georgiecums he go shoot umself dead Bang!" She looked round to where three figures hovered morosely in the rear. "Tum on, sin' chorus, Big Bruvva Josie-Joe, Johnny Jump-up, an' Ickle Boy Baxter. All over adain, Untle Georgiecums! Boys an' dirls all sin' chorus. Tummence!"

But Kit was the son of a scout, and his young eyes were sharp. He marked the trail followed by his captors, and at the first opportunity gave them the slip and got safely home, exclaiming as he toddled into the sobbing family circle, "I tumed back adain, mama; don't cry."