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She's a sneezer that; but she'll be knocked down for twenty or thirty pound, because she looks as if she was used up. "I intended to a had that mare, for I'd a made her worth twelve hundred dollars. It was a dreadful pity, I let go, that time, for I actilly forgot where I was. I'll know better next hitch, for boughten wit is the best in a general way. Yes, I'm peskily sorry about that mare.

She seemed quite handsome, I do actilly believe if she was put into a tub and washed, laid out on the grass a few nights with her face up to bleach it, her great yarn petticoats hauled off and proper ones put on, and her head and feet dressed right, she'd beat the Blue-nose galls for beauty out and out; but that is neither here nor there, those that want white faces must wash them, and those that want white floors must scrub them, it's enough for me that they are white, without my making them so.

I believe in my soul, it was the Indian squaw that went over the Falls in the canoe, or the crazy Englisher, that tried to jump across it. "'Oh creation, how cold it was! The moment that spirit rose, mine fell, and I actilly thought I should have dropt lumpus, I was so skeered. Give me your hand, said Ghost, for I didn't see nothin' but a kinder dark shadow. Give me your hand.

Nothin' comes amiss to him. "But what provokes me, is to hear him go blartin' all over the country about home scenes, and beautiful landscape, and rich vardure. My sakes, the vardure here is so deep, it looks like mournin'; it's actilly dismal.

He then lights a cigar, gets up with the driver, and looks round with an air of triumph, as much as to say 'What would you give to be admired and as successful as I am? and when he turns the next corner, he does actilly crow. "Yes, yes, when the cat's away, the mice will play. Things ain't in a mess, and that house a hurrah's nest, is it?

I actilly have nothin' left to set afore you; for it was none o' your skim-milk parties, but superfine uppercrust, real jam, and we made clean work of it. But I'll make some tea, anyhow, for you, and perhaps, arter that, said she, alterin' of her tone, 'perhaps you'll expound the Scriptures, for it's one while since I've heerd them laid open powerfully.

Slick. He looked so streaked and so chop-fallen, that I felt kinder sorry for him; I actilly thought he'd a boo-hoo'd right out. "So, to turn the conversation, says I, 'Professor, what 'ere great map is that I seed you a-studyin' over when I came in? Says he, 'it's a map of Nova Scotia. 'Why, says Captain Enoch to him, 'why Sam, says he, 'how on airth did you get here?

It isn't often that I feed in the settlements, or get a taste of their cookin', but the man who basted these birds knowed what he was doin', and the fire has given them jest the right tech; and the morsels actilly melt in yer mouth." The Trapper's feelings were evidently not peculiar to himself. And the spirit of feasting was abroad. The eating was such as would astonish the dwellers in cities.

"'Come back, you thafe of the worruld! says I. "'Silence, you old hag! says he. "Actilly he called me an old hag! I wanted to go after him, but there was two hoodlums hangin' round, and I knew they'd carry off some of my apples, when, just as I was at my wits' end, Dodger came round the corner. "'Dodger, I screamed, 'go after that man! He's taken one of my apples, widout lave or license!

They actilly expect the sun to shine, and the rain to fall, through their little House of Assembly. 'What have you done for us? they keep axin' their members. 'Who did you spunk up to last Session? jist as if all legislation consisted in attackin' some half dozen puss proud folks at Halifax, who are jist as big noodles as they be themselves.