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At the moment when the chanting ceased and the last notes of the organ, mingling with the vibrations of the loud "A-men" as it issued from the strong chests of the intoning clergy, sent a murmuring echo through the distant arches, and the hushed assembly were awaiting the beneficent words of the archbishop, a burgher, impatient to get home, or fearing for his purse in the tumult of the crowd when the worshippers dispersed, slipped quietly away, at the risk of being called a bad Catholic.

Sez he, in a nasty tone, which kind o' interrupted the deac'n's best langwidge, an' made folks fergit to fetch the 'A-men' right, 'You dog-gone son of a hog But I didn't wait fer no more. I sees then what's amiss. My chaw had located itself on the lady's ankle which I 'lows wus shapely which she'd left showin' in gatherin' her fixin's aroun' her.

Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is offended and I burn not? Hallelujah! A-men!" He took his basin of bread and milk from Humility's hand, and ate by the fire. She had wrung his clothes through fresh water, and as soon as they were thoroughly dry he retired upstairs to change. He came back to his seat by the fire.

One old negro woman, fat, powerful, and gloomy, suddenly arose and uttered a scream that had the dignity and savagery of a mountain lion's cry. It rang far out into the night. The exhorter continued his mad, furious, thumping, barbaric walk. Behind him a row of other exhorters sat, a relay ready to leap to his aid. They urged on the tumult with wild cries. "A-men, brother."

The book trembled violently in her hand when the young man approached her. "A-men!" To that response, sung in a sweet low voice which was painfully agitated, though happily lost in the general clamor, she added rapidly in a whisper: "You will ruin me." The words were said in a tone of innocence which a man of any delicacy ought to have obeyed; they went to the heart and pierced it.

From what I've been told about this town such an act will win for you the eternal love an' gratitude of a down-trodden people; yore gun will blaze the way to liberty an' light, freedom an' the right to own yore own property, an' keep it. All I ask is that I be the undeserving medium." "A-men," sighed the bartender. "Deacon Jones will now pass down the aisle an' collect the buttons an' tin money."

You knock at the door of the mother superior's cell: 'Through prayers of Thy saints, oh Lord, our Father, have mercy upon us. And the mother superior would answer from the cell, in a little bass-like 'A-men." Jennie looks at her intently for some time, shakes her head and says with great significance: "You're a queer girl, Tamara. Here I'm looking at you and wondering.

Late that afternoon three bodies were recovered from the sea the captain, the mate, and a boy of about sixteen; and were buried in the churchyard next day, as soon as the inquest was over. Pascoe followed the coffins, and pointed the service at the grave-side with interjaculations of his own. "Glory be!" "A-men!" "Hallelujah!" "Great Redemption!"

"There's no need to go into details about it, but but I want to run into this gang. Do you know why? Because I want to find out who this Red Mask is. It is on his personality depends the possibility of my helping the one soul on this ranch who deserves nothing but tender kindness at the hands of those about her." "A-men," Arizona added in the manner he had acquired in his "religion" days.

Then he slipped out, and left the audience making a vast noise, which was composed of a mixture of cheers, the "Mikado" song, dog-disapproval, and the chant, "You are f-a-r from being a b-a-a-d man a-a-a a-men!" At home the Richardses had to endure congratulations and compliments until midnight. Then they were left to themselves. They looked a little sad, and they sat silent and thinking.