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Updated: July 31, 2024
"Swift to her wish came swimming on the waves His lovely ocean nymphs, her guides to be, The Nereids all, who live among the caves And valleys of the deep, Cymodoce, Agave, blue-eyed Hallia and Nesaea, Speio, and Thoe, Glauce and Actaea, Iaira, Melite and Amphinome, Apseudes and Nemertes, Callianassa, Cymothoe, Thaleia, Limnorrhea, Clymene, Ianeira and Ianassa, Doris and Panope and Galatea, Dynamene, Dexamene and Maira, Ferusa, Doto, Proto, Callianeira, Amphithoe, Oreithuia and Amathea."
So at least he had always believed; but now, but now! A beam of gold dust shot down upon the central head. This was Aglaia, fairest of the three Graces; and the other two were Euphrosyne and Thaleia, her handmaids. Thus it struck Cino, heart and head, at this sublime moment of his drab-coloured life. Selvaggia's hair was brown, gold-shot of its own virtue.
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