Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: November 9, 2024
At length he stopped abruptly, and gazed straight before him over the head of Rosalie into the distance. "See," he said, pointing, "who is that? Who? I can't see his face it is covered. So tall-so white! He is opening his arms to me. He is coming closer closer. Who is it?" "It is Death, my son," said the priest in his ear, with a pitying gentleness.
At length he stopped abruptly, and gazed straight before him over the head of Rosalie into the distance. "See," he said, pointing, "who is that? Who? I can't see his face it is covered. So tall-so white! He is opening his arms to me. He is coming closer closer. Who is it?" "It is Death, my son," said the priest in his ear, with a pitying gentleness.
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