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Doing so, without doubt, one obtaineth, after death, the status of Ganapatya. One should next proceed, O king, to the excellent spot of the Goddess celebrated over the three worlds by the name of Sakamvari. There, for the space of a thousand celestial years, she of excellent vows, month after month, had subsisted upon herbs, O king of men!

Doing so, without doubt, one obtaineth, after death, the status of Ganapatya. One should next proceed, O king, to the excellent spot of the Goddess celebrated over the three worlds by the name of Sakamvari. There, for the space of a thousand celestial years, she of excellent vows, month after month, had subsisted upon herbs, O king of men!

And attracted by their reverence for the Goddess, many Rishis with wealth of asceticism, came thither, O Bharata. and were entertained by her with herbs. And it is for this that they bestowed on her the name of Sakamvari.

O Bharata, the man who arriveth at Sakamvari, with rapt attention and leading a Brahmacharya mode of life and passeth three nights there in purity and subsisting on herbs alone, obtaineth, at the will of the goddess, the merit of him that liveth upon herbs for twelve years. Then should one proceed to the tirtha called Suvarna, famed through the three worlds.

And attracted by their reverence for the Goddess, many Rishis with wealth of asceticism, came thither, O Bharata, and were entertained by her with herbs. And it is for this that they bestowed on her the name of Sakamvari.

O Bharata, the man who arriveth at Sakamvari, with rapt attention and leading a Brahmacharya mode of life and passeth three nights there in purity and subsisting on herbs alone, obtaineth, at the will of the goddess, the merit of him that liveth upon herbs for twelve years. Then should one proceed to the tirtha called Suvarna, famed through the three worlds.