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She was not the least put out, and replied: "I beg your pardon, monsieur, the five hundred francs affected M. Oreille's pocket, whereas this damage, amounting to eighteen francs, concerns Mme. Oreille's pocket only, which is a totally different matter."

Oreille's lap all through the visit was the individual whose sufferings had been stirring the dormant generosities of her nature. She said: "Poor little creature! You might have lost him!" Mrs. O. "O pray don't mention it, Miss Hawkins it gives me such a turn!" Laura "And Hildebrand and Percy are they-are they like this one?" Mrs. G. "No, Hilly has considerable Skye blood in him, I believe." Mrs.

Oreille's lap all through the visit was the individual whose sufferings had been stirring the dormant generosities of her nature. She said: "Poor little creature! You might have lost him!" Mrs. O. "O pray don't mention it, Miss Hawkins it gives me such a turn!" Laura "And Hildebrand and Percy are they are they like this one?" Mrs. G. "No, Hilly has considerable Skye blood in him, I believe." Mrs.

She was not the least put out, and replied: "I beg pardon, Monsieur, the five hundred francs affected M. Oreille's pocket, whereas this damage, amounting to eighteen francs, concerns Mme. Oreille's pocket only, which is a totally different matter."

She was not the least put out, and replied: "I beg your pardon, monsieur, the five hundred francs affected M. Oreille's pocket, whereas this damage, amounting to eighteen francs, concerns Mme. Oreille's pocket only, which is a totally different matter."