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It would be a bonny thing if, by the escape of one ill-doer another was to go scatheless, and the remeid is to summon the principal and put him to outlawry for the non-compearance. The purpose of which last provision is evident upon its face: being that outgoing ships may have time to carry news of the transaction, and the summonsing be something other than a form. Now take the case of Alan.

It would be a bonny thing if, by the escape of one ill- doer another was to go scatheless, and the remeid is to summon the principal and put him to outlawry for the non-compearance. Now take the case of Alan. Where, then, and what way should he be summoned? I ask it at yourself, a layman."

It would be a bonny thing if, by the escape of one ill-doer another was to go scatheless, and the remeid is to summon the principal and put him to outlawry for the non-compearance. The purpose of which last provision is evident upon its face: being that outgoing ships may have time to carry news of the transaction, and the summoning be something other than a form. Now take the case of Alan.