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Boorda nginnee nganya goodjall waingur; Yoongar nungow broo. Boyl-ya bakkan broo kote ngan-now. Ko-tdje ngannow broo. I shall be very ill presently. The boyl-yas eat up a great many natives, they eat them up as fire would; you and I will be very ill directly. The boyl-yas have ears: by-and-by they will be greatly enraged. I'll tell you no more.

Sunday January 26. Old Manniotte, a native dressed in an old uniform, attended the church service as usual this day and was apparently as attentive as any other member of the congregation. February 14. This evening a native came up to me as I was in the Commissary's house, and said: "Djanga kain nganya goree bomb-gur"; "A white man has just struck me."

The difficulty I laboured under upon this head, as well as the dread they entertain of these sorcerers, will be best shown by the following account of his answers to my questions, together with his incidental remarks:* His words were nearly as follows: Boyl-ya yongar boyl-ya gaduk. Djerral, way-lo, wor-rar ngin noween; Boyl-ya windoo; boko-djee wattoo; boorda nganya men-dyke ngoomon.

Boyl-ya yongar boola ngan-noween, kalla moquoin, boorda ngin-nee nganya men-dyke ngoomon. Boyl-ya donga gaduk, boorda gurrang ngoomon, nadjoo nginnee wangow broo. Boyl ya kote yan-na, ngin-nee bid-jar, bal-goon kote yan-na; kote yool yannow boyl-ya. Boyl-ya windoo-buk; boorda nganneel men-dyke ngoomon; nadjoo wanga-broo. Goodjyte yool yannow. Boyl-ya wunja nginnee? Nganya goree katta mendyke.

The said Taalwurt Tdondarup complaineth and saith: "Nganya kype yoor-ril gool-gur, boye bomb-gur." "I in the water carelessly walked along, a stone struck me."