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I passed between Roper's Peak and Macarthur's Peak, to the northward, and came in sight of another very remarkable cone, which I afterwards called Calvert's Peak, after my fellow-traveller, in consequence of his having suffered severely in its neighbourhood, as I shall soon have to mention.

"The strain of the night fighting and the heavy details for outpost duty made it imperative to re-enforce General Greene's troops with General MacArthur's brigade, which had arrived in transports on the 31st of July. The difficulties of this operation can hardly be overestimated.

I traced a creek at the east side of Macarthur's Peak to its head, and went down another on its west side to a large plain, which seemed to be limited to the westward by openly-timbered ridges.

'They carried him back to the house. 'MacArthur's house? 'Yes, sir. 'Oh, well, I suppose he will be all right then. Graham, just go across and report to the Headmaster, will you? You'll find him in his study. The Head was immensely relieved to hear Tony's narrative.