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Updated: August 8, 2024
He said, "It was a madness, of which even James Grahame, in his height of presumptuous frenzy, was incapable; and he doubted not that their march was only impeded by their ancient enemies, Glencoe, Keppoch, and Glengarry; and perhaps M'Vourigh, with his M'Phersons, might have assembled a force, which he knew must be greatly inferior in numbers to his own, and whom, therefore, he doubted not to disperse by force, or by terms of capitulation."
Yonder goes Sir Duncan Campbell, riding a brown bay gelding, which I had marked for my own second charger." "You are wrong, Major," said Montrose, with a bitter smile, "they are saving their precious Chief Give the signal for assault instantly send the word through the ranks. Gentlemen, noble Chiefs, Glengarry, Keppoch, M'Vourigh, upon them instantly!
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