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Now therefore I beseech you as my friend and true vassal, that you go to Zamora to my sister Dona Urraca, and say unto her again, that I beseech her to give me the town either for a price, or in exchange, and I will give to her Medina de Rio-seco, with the whole Infantazgo, from Villalpando to Valladolid, and Tiedra also, which is a good Castle; and I will swear unto her, with twelve knights of my vassals, never to break this covenant between us; but if she refuseth to do this I will take away the town from her by force.

And he went forth with his army, and took from the Infanta Dona Elvira the half of the Infantazgo which she possessed, and also from Dona Urraca the other half. And he went against Toro, the city of Dona Elvira, and took it; and then he went to Zamora to Dona Urraca, bidding her yield him up the city, and saying that he would give her lands as much as she required in the plain country.

Then said my Cid, The King your brother sends to greet you, and beseeches you to give him this town of Zamora, either for a price or in exchange; and he will give to you Medina de Rio-seco, with the whole Infantazgo, from Villalpando to Valladolid, and the good castle of Tiedra, and he will swear unto you, with twelve knights his vassals, never to do you hurt or harm; but if you will not give him the town, he will take it against your will.

And to Dona Urraca he gave the city of Zamora with all its dependencies, and with half the Infantazgo: and the other half, with the city of Toro and its dependencies, to Dona Elvira.