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It is a spacious cavern, opening in a steep wall of rock above the Rositenschlucht between the Platten and Dachstein-kalk. An ice-current rushes from within, and ice is found on the threshold, becoming more prevalent in the farther recesses of the cave.

But most of the rounded bowlders in the terminal deposit of great glaciers are fragments torn off by the glacier itself. The proportion of rounded bowlders of upper or air-formed to nether or glacier-formed fragments, depends on the depth and extent of the ice-current. The bowlders are, of course, all rounded. This is one extreme.

Similar bowlders are also found along the northern portion of the eastern shore, because the principal flow of the ice-current was from the southwest, and in the fulness of glacial times the principal exit was over the northeastern lip of the basin. b. Origin of Lake Tahoe.