Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: October 1, 2024
There's that electronic check of drum contents at the gate of the port. But he was there on a visitor's pass, waiting having hitchhiked all the way to here. After the electronic check, he figured on stowing away, while the drums were waiting to be loaded. The only thing we did to help was to take a little of the stuff out of the spare drum and stow it in our two drums, to leave him some room.
And he had taken the honorable assistant secretary many miles out of his way. Hailing a jeep Stan hooked a ride to the camp. He walked into operations and up to the desk. A major looked up and then started. "Wilson!" he exclaimed. "We had you marked down as lost. Sim Jones reported you short of gas." "I hitchhiked back. Caught a ride with one of Churchill's secretaries," Stan said dryly.
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