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Hankow editor flogged to death Hangchow, open port Hanyang arsenal Hanyehping Company, the Heilungchiang, Manchurian province Hioki, Dr., Japanese Minister Hsianfu flight, the Hsaiochan camp, the Division, the Hsiaowu, emperor Hsuan Tung, boy emperor enthroned Huai Chun, the Huang Hsin Hutuktu, the Living Buddha of Urga

The Japanese Government and the Chinese Government, seeing that Japanese financiers and the Hanyehping Co. have close relations with each other at present and desiring that the common interests of the two nations shall be advanced, agree to the following articles: Article 1.

The Japanese Government and the Chinese Government, seeing that Japanese financiers and the Hanyehping Co. have dose relations with each other at present and desiring that the common interests of the two nations shall be advanced, agree to the following articles: Article 1.

I have the honour to state that if in future the Hanyehping Company and the Japanese capitalists agree upon co-operation, the Chinese Government, in view of the intimate relations subsisting between the Japanese capitalists and the said Company, will forthwith give its permission.

The regulations for the said Commercial Marts will be made in accordance with those of other Commercial Marts opened by China herself. The relations between Japan and the Hanyehping Company being very intimate, if the said Company comes to an agreement with the Japanese capitalists for co-operation, the Chinese Government shall forthwith give their consent thereto.