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Two dorsal tubercles on the abdomen. Papirius. Antennæ four-jointed, without a well-marked elbow, and with a short terminal segment offering the appearance of being many-jointed. Orchesella. Segments of the body unequal in size, more or less thickly clothed with clubbed hairs. Antennæ long, six-jointed. Degeeria. Segments of the body unequal in size, more or less thickly clothed by clubbed hairs.

They may be kept alive for weeks by keeping moist slips of blotting paper in the vial. In this way I have kept specimens of Degeeria, Tomocerus and Orchesella, from the middle of December till late in January. During this time they occasionally moulted, and Tomocerus plumbeus, after shedding its skin, ate it within a few hours.

In fact the larva assumes the form of the lower genera of the family, such as Achorutes and Lipura, the adult more closely resembling Degeeria. The larva after its first moult retains its early clumsy form, and is still white. After a second moult it becomes purplish, and much more slender, as in the adult. The eggs are laid and the young hatched apparently within a period of from six to ten days.