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He and Santos certainly had gotten plenty. But how much? Putting their dosimeters into a measuring meter aboard a cruiser would tell them. His low-level colorimeter had long since reached maximum red, and his high-level dosimeter could be read only on a measuring device. Meanwhile, he had other worries. Radiation had no immediate effect.

He and Santos certainly had gotten plenty. But how much? His lower-level colorimeter had long since reached maximum red, and his high-level dosimeter could be read only on a measuring device. Meanwhile, he had other worries. Radiation had no immediate effect. At worst, it would be a few hours before he felt any symptoms.

While you're doing that, I'll find the spots where we plant the charges. I'll need two men now and more later." He went back to his instrument, putting the radiation problem out of his mind a rather hard thing to do with the colorimeter glowing pink next to his shoulder.

"Let’s get busy. Koa, load all bombs but one ten KT on the landing boat. Stake the rest of the equipment down. While you’re doing that, I’ll find the spots where we plant the charges. I’ll need two men now and more later." He went back to his instrument, putting the radiation problem out of his mind—a rather hard thing to do with the colorimeter glowing pink next to his shoulder.