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The cannonading went on for nearly a week, but the practice was so very indifferent notwithstanding the protection of the blessed Barbara and the tuition of the busmasters that the besieged began to amuse themselves with these empty and monotonous salvos of the honourable Artillery Guild.

The cannonading went on for nearly a week, but the practice was so very indifferent notwithstanding the protection of the blessed Barbara and the tuition of the busmasters that the besieged began to amuse themselves with these empty and monotonous salvos of the honourable Artillery Guild.

The cannonading went on for nearly a week, but the practice was so very indifferent notwithstanding the protection of the blessed Barbara and the tuition of the busmasters that the besieged began to amuse themselves with these empty and monotonous salvos of the honourable Artillery Guild.

The cannonading went on for nearly a week, but the practice was so very indifferent notwithstanding the protection of the blessed Barbara and the tuition of the busmasters that the besieged began to amuse themselves with these empty and monotonous salvos of the honourable Artillery Guild.