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'Do you remember, she said, looking up with a ghastly smile, 'you once found me making Fergus's bride-favours, and now I am sewing his bridal-garment. Our friends here, she continued, with suppressed emotion, 'are to give hallowed earth in their chapel to the bloody relies of the last Vich Ian Vohr.

'Do you remember, she said, looking up with a ghastly smile, 'you once found me making Fergus's bride-favours, and now I am sewing his bridal garment. Our friends here, she continued, with suppressed emotion, 'are to give hallowed earth in their chapel to the bloody relics of the last Vich Ian Vohr. But they will not all rest together; no his head!

'Do you remember, she said, looking up with a ghastly smile, 'you once found me making Fergus's bride-favours, and now I am sewing his bridal garment. Our friends here, she continued, with suppressed emotion, 'are to give hallowed earth in their chapel to the bloody relics of the last Vich Ian Vohr. But they will not all rest together; no his head!

'Do you remember, she said, looking up with a ghastly smile, 'you once found me making Fergus's bride-favours, and now I am sewing his bridal garment. Our friends here, she continued, with suppressed emotion, 'are to give hallowed earth in their chapel to the bloody relics of the last Vich Ian Vohr. But they will not all rest together; no his head!