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Barneveld, finding it impossible to sleep, asked his servant to read to him from the Prayer-book. The soldier called in a clergyman however, another one named Hugo Bayerus, who had been sent to the prison, and who now read to him the Consolations of the Sick.

Barneveld, finding it impossible to sleep, asked his servant to read to him from the Prayer-book. The soldier called in a clergyman however, another one named Hugo Bayerus, who had been sent to the prison, and who now read to him the Consolations of the Sick.

Barneveld, finding it impossible to sleep, asked his servant to read to him from the Prayer-book. The soldier called in a clergyman however, another one named Hugo Bayerus, who had been sent to the prison, and who now read to him the Consolations of the Sick.

Barneveld asked where the place had been prepared in which he was to die. "In front of the great hall, as I understand," said Bayerus, "but I don't know the localities well, having lived here but little." "Have you heard whether my Grotius is to die, and Hoogerbeets also?" he asked? "I have heard nothing to that effect," replied the clergyman.

Barneveld asked where the place had been prepared in which he was to die. "In front of the great hall, as I understand," said Bayerus, "but I don't know the localities well, having lived here but little." "Have you heard whether my Grotius is to die, and Hoogerbeets also?" he asked? I have heard nothing to that effect," replied the clergyman.

Barneveld, finding it impossible to sleep, asked his servant to read to him from the Prayer-book. The soldier called in a clergyman however, another one named Hugo Bayerus, who had been sent to the prison, and who now read to him the Consolations of the Sick.

Barneveld asked where the place had been prepared in which he was to die. "In front of the great hall, as I understand," said Bayerus, "but I don't know the localities well, having lived here but little." "Have you heard whether my Grotius is to die, and Hoogerbeets also?" he asked? "I have heard nothing to that effect," replied the clergyman.

Barneveld asked where the place had been prepared in which he was to die. "In front of the great hall, as I understand," said Bayerus, "but I don't know the localities well, having lived here but little." "Have you heard whether my Grotius is to die, and Hoogerbeets also?" he asked? "I have heard nothing to that effect," replied the clergyman.