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The ogive is, perhaps, very ancient; and authors dispute as to the anteriority of the Romanesque to the Gothic. This want of certainty disappointed them. After the churches they studied fortresses those of Domfront and Falaise.

We should here draw a distinction between the two senses of the a priori: anteriority and superiority. A simple physical mechanism may be a priori, in the sense of anteriority. A house is a priori, in regard to the lodgers it receives; this book is a priori, in regard to its future readers.

This is the way it will be necessary to answer these arguments. Let us assume that the creature is produced anew at each instant; let us grant also that the instant excludes all priority of time, being indivisible; but let us point out that it does not exclude priority of nature, or what is called anteriority in signo rationis, and that this is sufficient.

This anteriority of nature is a commonplace in philosophy: thus one says that the decrees of God have an order among themselves. I find in the arguments that have just been quoted nothing which these reflexions fail to satisfy.