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It remained some time on hand, until Messrs. Gregson, Bridge and Parke purchased it for 4129 pounds. They sold it for 3470 pounds, losing thereby. In 1793, Mr. Sparling, who was Mayor of Liverpool in 1790, bought it. He took down the house built by Mr. Campbell and erected the handsome mansion now standing.

In all the periodical, or regular issues of flour at the time of full moon, I have accurately kept lists of all who attended. The gross totals of thirty-three issues are as follows: Men 1266 Women 1330 Boys 930 Girls 551 Infants 52 4129

In all the periodical, or regular issues of flour at the time of full moon, I have accurately kept lists of all who attended. The gross totals of thirty-three issues are as follows: Men 1266 Women 1330 Boys 930 Girls 551 Infants 52 4129