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Pour qui connaît la vie ultérieure de Benjamin Constant, la pièce a tout son prix: «By all that is deemed honorable and sacred, by the value I set upon the esteem of my acquaintance, by the gratitude I owe to my father, by the advantages of birth, fortune and education, which distinguish a gentleman from a rogue, a gambler and a blackguard, by the rights I have to the friendship of Isabella and the share I have in it, I hereby pledge myself, never to play at any chance game, nor at any game, unless forced by a lady, from this present date to the 1st of january 1793: which promise if I break, I confess myself a rascal, a liar, and a villain, and will tamely submit to be called so by every man that meets me.

For, at Paris, M. Thiers, on his return not long ago from the meeting hold at the chateau d'Eu, assured Earl Granville that the strictest orders had been sent to the French admirals in the Levant to avoid any thing which might lead to collision between French and British ships of war; in London M. Guizot, both before and after his visit to the chateau d'Eu, has always stated to the undersigned that the armaments of France are purely precautionary, and in no respect whatever aggressive; that France intends to remain for the present entirely quiet; but thinking that the measures which the four powers are about to take in the Levant may by possibility lead to events which might affect the general balance of power, or alter the state of possessions of the powers of Europe, or in some way or other bear upon the direct interests of France, the French Government had deemed it right to place himself in an attitude of observation; and at Alexandria the French agents are understood to have declared to Méhémet Ali that France has no intention whatever of taking up arms in his support.