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Daudet's first intention was to entitle this work "Nord et midi," his idea being to contrast the north with the south, a theme for which he always had a predilection. Numa is a refined Tartarin; Daudet sends him to Paris, and studies the result. Numa carries all before him by his robust vigor and geniality.

But I am quite sure that M. Guizot regrets these proceedings as much as I can do; though I well know that, from the mechanism of government, a minister cannot always control departements over which he does not himself preside. We are now about to retire, and in ten days' time our successors will be in office.

It is in those works which are directly inspired by his native land of dreams that he is most completely himself, and therefore most charming. It is here that he discloses his kinship with Musset. With all the delicacy of Musset and at the same time a saneness which Musset did not always possess, what might he not have accomplished if he had only continued as he began?

72 17 Et toute la diligence de rire: 'and the whole stage coach laughed', cf. the Latin historical infinitive, used in place of the perfect. In French this infinitive is always preceded by de and the clause is almost always introduced by et, l

After a year of martyrdom he set out on his terrible journey to Paris. Here he was welcomed by his brother Ernest. The two brothers had always felt and always continued to feel the closest sympathy for each other.