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'has not given of his news since. 65 15 Qu'est devenu: 'what has become of? lit. 'what has become? Cf. note to 93 7. 65 23 Tombouctou: 'Timbuktu, the most famous city of central Africa, a French possession since 1893, in Tartarin's time only three Europeans had ever reached it, and one of these was killed two days after he left the city. 65 24 garde: subjunctive.

In 1557 he had charge of the army sent into Italy at the request of Paul IV., to undertake the conquest of the kingdom of Naples. After the disastrous defeat of Saint-Quentin, he was placed in command of all the armies, both within and without the kingdom; then followed a series of brilliant victories for the French, resulting in the capture of Calais, Guines, and Thionville.

In 17 20-21 we are given to understand that Tartarin's baobab, the most admired of his botanical rarities, is perhaps after all nothing but a turnip, and we are led to suspect that some of the others are not what they pretend to be.

After the death of Charles IX. she again became regent for a short time till the return of Henry III. Never did Italian craftiness and cruelty wield such influence in France. At last, however, the people grew weary of the rule of the foreigner, and Catherine's later years were marked by the loss of all political power.

After the breaking-up of the Hôtel de Rambouillet, there were formed various smaller coteries, among which that of Mme. de La Fayette was by no means the least important. From her little circle of précieuses, Mme. de La Fayette was drawn to the Court of Louis XIV. chiefly through the friendship of "Madame," the Princess Henrietta of England.

At the age of twenty-three he was taken into the confidence of Henry II. and gained universal favor by his agreeable and flattering address. In early life he was appointed Archbishop of Rheims and not long after was made cardinal. At first he was inclined to favor the Protestants, but subsequently used his influence toward their extermination.

86 1 Mahom: the most usual form of the name 'Mohammed' during the Middle Ages; retained, for effect, in the oath par Mahom. l'échappa belle: 'had a narrow escape'; cf. note to 8 18. 86 3 si ... n'avait envoyé: note the omission of pas after the conjunction si; cf. note to 36 16. 86 7 l'homme

After lord Londonderry's attack on M. de Talleyrand, Lord Goderich said in the course of his speech: Another part of his noble friend's speech to which he desired to advert, was that which related to prince de Talleyrand, whom his noble friend had supposed to have great influence upon the councils of this country, and whom, proceeding on that supposition and upon certain parts of that illustrious person's past life, this noble friend has thought he was justified in pursuing with the most acrimonious animadversion although an ambassador from a friendly power.

How close and lasting was this friendship is seen on almost every page of Mme. de Sévigné's correspondence. Indeed, so often does the name of Mme. de La Fayette occur in Mme. de Sévigné's letters to her daughter, that the latter may well have been jealous of her mother's friend. The companionship of Mme. de Sévigné was, after the death of La Rochefoucauld, the chief comfort of Mme. de La Fayette in her ill-health and seclusion; and it was from the sick-chamber of her friend that Mme. de Sévigné's letters would seem to have been written in those latter years. In 1693, soon after the death of Mme. de La Fayette, Mme. de Sévigné writes as follows of her dead friend: "Je me trouvois trop heureuse d'être aimée d'elle depuis un temps très-considérable; jamais nous n'avions eu le moindre nuage dans notre amitié. La longue habitude ne m'avoit point accoutumée

After an experience of many years in teaching, we are convinced that such works as the Adventures of Telemachus, and the History of Charles the Twelfth despite their incontestable beauty of style and richness of material are too difficult for beginners, even of mature age.