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»I will only add my sincere and earnest wish that nothing may arise to disappoint our endeavours to procure peace. »I am, dear... «Downing-Street, 19 février 1831. »Cher prince Talleyrand,

That every thing which I said of those proceedings is true, is proved by the French newspapers, and even by the general orders of French generals.

That is the question, fredonna M. de la Seiglière, résumant ainsi en trois mots tout ce qu'il savait de Shakspeare. Ah! s'écria madame de Vaubert avec la tristesse d'une espérance déçue; vous n'êtes pas Bernard; vous n'êtes pas le fils de notre vieil ami!

Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face, Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek For that which thou hast heard me speak to-night....

It was therefore obvious to Her Majesty's Government that M. de Pontois could not have been instructed or authorized by the French Government to hold at Constantinople a language directly the reverse of that which had been held by the French Government everywhere else, and the more especially as the language held by M. Pontois is directly at variance with all the public and official declarations made by the French Government of the principles upon which the policy of France, with regard to the affairs of the Ottoman Empire, is founded.

26 6 langue du cru: 'local dialect, 'vernacular' Cru means 'growth, 'that which grows in a certain district', croître = 'grow' Vin du cru ='local wine', donner une oeuvre de son cru = 'to produce a work of one's own imagination', cf.dame du cru 60 29, jurons du cru 65 4. 26 9 devait: cf. note to 18 2. 26 10 on le chargeait toujours: cf. 11 12.

MERCUTIO. Quand l'amour est aveugle, il ne peut toucher le but . Roméo, je te souhaite une bonne nuit; moi, je vais gagner mon alcôve. Ce lit de camp est trop froid pour que j'y puisse dormir. Eh bien! partons-nous? O Roméo, that she were, ah that she were An open et cætera, thou a propin pear.

Great lion-hunters pull the kid's foot with a string. 4. Nothing came all the same. 5. Not being afraid, Tartarin cried louder. 6. Something black stooped in front of him. 7. That is surely a lion! 8. Suddenly Tartarin became silent. 9. Nothing answered the shot. 10. He was afraid and made a leap backward.

Not as a foe, but friend, converse with Death, Since to the port of happiness unknown He brought that treasure which you call your own.

The hero awoke at dawn and saw that his treasure was gone. 2. The next day he saw that he had been robbed for the first time. 3. He began to weep bitterly. 4. Now, it was the prince that had deserted him in the heart of Africa. 5. He was sitting there with his head in his hands; suddenly he saw the camel looking at him. 6. Tartarin was stupefied on seeing the lion come forward. 7.