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The loss of his chosen bride in this manner appeared to have a deep effect upon Don Carlos, and the sympathy shown him by Elisabeth and the gratitude thus awakened in the heart of the young prince aroused a feeling of jealousy in the mind of the Spanish King. In 1560 Don Carlos was proclaimed heir to the throne of Spain, but not long after was removed from Court and sent away from the capital.

«... Plus on y pense, et plus on est at a loss de chercher le cui bono de cette sottise qu'on appelle le monde. Je ne comprends ni le but, ni l'architecte, ni le peintre, ni les figures de cette lanterne magique dont j'ai l'honneur de faire partie. Le comprendrai-je mieux quand j'aurai disparu de dessus la sphère étroite et obscure dans laquelle il plaît

So great a loss is not to be repaired or obliterated by time." And again: "Poor Mme. de La Fayette is now wholly at a loss what to do with herself. The death of M. de La Rochefoucauld has made so terrible a void in her life that she has come to judge better of the value of such a friendship. Every one else will be comforted in the course of time, but she, alas, has nothing to occupy her mind."

Upon the death of the German Emperor Maximilian in 1519, he became the rival candidate of Charles V. for the imperial crown. Upon his loss of the latter, he attempted an alliance with Henry VIII. of England against the Emperor.

We know how deep and lasting was the grief of Mme. de La Fayette for the loss of the man with whose life her own had been so long and so closely united. On March 17th, 1680, Mme. de Sévigné writes: "M. de La Rochefoucauld died last night. When again will poor Mme. de La Fayette find such a friend, such kindness, such consideration for her and her son?

Fût-on philosophe ou grigou, Car tant d'or s'y relève en bosse, Que ce luxe insolent bafoue Tout le papier de monsieur Loss! Arrière, robin crotté! place, Petit courtaud, petit abbé, Petit poète jamais las De la rime non attrapée! Voici que la nuit vraie arrive... Cependant jamais fatigué D'être inattentif et naïf? François-les-bas-bleus s'en égaie.

68 33 chemins de fer algériens: there were no railroads in Algeria when Daudet visited it in 1861, but between this year and 1872, when "Tartarin" appeared, several hundred miles of tracks had been constructed. 69 2 que je le regrette: 'how I long for it. Regretter = 'to regret, 'to regret the loss or the absence of' a thing, hence 'to long for' a thing. For the anticipatory le cf. note to 32 5.

[Note 64: That the ministry, after my return to Britain, were sensible how desesperate the navigation was in those seas; and yet that they were as industrious to conceal it, appears not only by the author of the Post-Man being found fault with for giving an account thereof in his paper, but also that the Gazette mentioned nothing of the loss of the Feversham and three store ships laden with provisions following us to Quebec; which accident may furnish matter for some not frivolous speculations. Introduction p. 24. L'amiral Walker de retour de sa malheureuse expédition, fut mis