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That there was little congeniality between husband and wife cannot be doubted, yet Mme. de La Fayette's own letters go to prove that for a time at least she was not unhappy. In a letter to Ménage, written from Auvergne soon after her marriage, she says: "La solitude que je trouve ici m'est plutôt agréable qu'ennuyeuse.

[Note 13: And yet to my teen be it spoken I have four. Teen est un vieux mot qui signifie chagrin, il se prononce

«! ... ! ... Et mon fusil!... mon fusil

III: «Let the forfeit be nominated for an equal pound of your fair flesh, to be cut and taken, in what part of your body pleaseath me

"My father said to me again and again," Léon Daudet tells us, "I should like, after I have accomplished my task, to set myself up as a merchant of happiness. My reward would be in my success!" This longing, so entirely characteristic of the man, is manifest everywhere in his earlier work, only rarely in the great novels; unfortunately the great novels were his "task."

If the government entertained the same opinion as his noble friend of prince de Talleyrand, it would be their duty to represent to His Majesty the king of the French that they could not transact business with such a person.

Mais la femme, après un long effort, bégaya avec découragement: Ab... be... ... abné... ga... Je ne sors pas du reste, Bavon. Sont-ce l

Ceux qui se font une sorte d'esthétique de l'indifférence absolue ne sont point those of which the aesthetics seems to be in absolute indifference.

L'apparition de Tartarin, hâve, maigri, poudreux, les yeux flamboyants, la chéchia hérissée, interrompit tout net cette aimable orgie turco-marseillaise. Baïa poussa un petit cri de levrette effrayée, et se sauva dans la maison. Barbassou, lui, ne se troubla pas, et riant de plus belle: «! ! monsieur Tartarin, qu'est-ce que vous en dites? Vous voyez bien qu'elle savait le français

Un des principaux personnages du Guignol lyonnais est Gnaffron «savetier, regrolleur, médecin de la chaussure humaine» et par-dessus tout «vénérable soifard». Cette réputation n'est pas particulière aux cordonniers de France: Cobbler's law; he that take money must be the drink. La règle du savetier: celui qui reçoit l'argent doit être celui qui le boit. Ivre comme cordonnier.