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I find it very agreeable, well written, without being extremely polished, full of very delicate touches, and well worth more than a single reading; and what I especially notice is an exact representation of the persons composing the court and of their manner of life.

To avoid the difficulties and secure the advantages mentioned, we have chosen the Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault and Madame de Beaumont. The department of literature thus sought as the means of instruction in language, supplies, as our own experience has amply demonstrated, agreeable and attractive material for beginners of all ages and conditions.

With regard to what I said at Tiverton about the proceedings of the French troops in Africa, I may have judged wrong; but I chose that opportunity on purpose, thinking that it was the least objectionable way of endeavouring to promote the interests of humanity and, if possible, to put a check to proceedings which have long excited the regret of all those who attended to them; and it certainly did not occur to me to consider whether what I said might or might not be agreeable.

I have a great regard and esteem for M. Guizot; I admire his talents and I respect his character, and I have found him one of the most agreeable men in public affairs, because he takes large and philosophical views of things, discusses questions with clearness, and sifts them to the bottom, and seems always anxious to arrive at the truth.