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Le capitaine lit les prières et le public répond, puis on lit l'épître et l'évangile du jour; on récite plusieurs psaumes et le Te Deum, et on termine par ce cantique: Lead kindly Light amid the encircling gloom Lead Thou me on; The night is dark, and I am far from home Lead Thou me on!

The body, when deposited in the coffin, was dressed in the plain uniform of a French colonel of chasseurs. The coffin, at the particular desire of Count Montholon, was constructed as follows: 1stly A plain coffin lined with tin; 2dly A lead coffin; 3dly A mahogany coffin.

M. Wolcott fait dire aux Anglais: We lead those bands Armed in this manner, thus into your lands Without design to do you injury But only to invade the enemy.

At night he feared the marauders, for he had to sleep under the open sky. 9. You could not lead the life I lead. 10. He could not do anything else.

The men drilling looked like lead soldiers when seen through the vitres dépolies par la buée, on account of their stiffness and the dimness of their outline in the early morning light. 71 7 ne sentait pas encore le lion: 'did not savor of lions yet', cf. cela sent le camphre 'that smells of camphor. 71 8 Plus au sud: not negative; cf. note to 13 1.

However, the character of the prince and the information given in 56 31 ff lead us to suppose that in Gregory's mind "a free Montenegro" means a Montenegro free from the existing constitutional authorities, rather than free from Turkish domination. 57 14 qu'on secoue: 'being shaken, cf. note to 55 7. 57 18 Parlez-moi des: 'just trust' lever ... la caille.

See "Le Caravansérail" in "Contes du lundi." 71 2 une place de jolie sous-préfecture: 'the square of a pretty little city, 'the square of a pretty city about the size of a subprefecture'; cf. note to 17 14. For the construction cf. note to 1 5. 71 4 de petits soldats de plomb: 'little lead soldiers', cf. note to 1 5.