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CASERO. ¡De pagar a su casero, eh? DOÑA MATILDE. No digo eso, sino que aunque somos pobres somos personas de honor, y que.... CASERO. , , personas de honor sin dinero ... eso es lo que yo me temía ... y ésos son los peores inquilinos.

VECINA. Vecinita, perdone usted que me entre así de rondón ... como la puerta estaba abierta ... y como somos uña y carne quería enseñar a usted cierta cosa ... ¡mas oiga! si tendré telarañas ... ¡su señoría la marquesa aquí! ¡Subir una marquesa ocho tramos de escalera! MARQUESA. ¿Quién es esta buena mujer? DOÑA MATILDE. Es una vecina que....

Después de haber tributado el debido homenaje de elogios que de nuestra pluma reclamaba imperiosamente la divertida comedia del señor Gorostiza ¿nos será permitido indicar algunos de los defectos de que rara obra humana consigue verse completamente purgada? ¿Se dirá que nos ensangrentamos, que somos parciales, si ponemos al lado del elogio el grito de nuestra conciencia literaria?

"Si, si!" exclaimed the young Spaniard, as if comprehending what was going on "Somos contentos todos, todos!" and he looked round, like a prince, on his fellow culprits. A low murmuring, "Si, si contento, contento!" passed amongst the group. "The accused, please your honours, are willing to trust to my correctness."

On one occasion these warlike tastes had nearly cost me dear. It was the night of the battle of Peires-Tortes. The Spanish troops in their retreat had partly mistaken their road. I was in the square of the village before daybreak; I saw a brigadier and five troopers come up, who, at the sight of the tree of liberty, called out, "Somos perdidos!"

Mine host now lost his temper entirely, and spluttered out, as loud as he could roar, "Somos comiendo, Panchita, somos comiendo;" and forthwith, as if in spite, he began to fork up his food, until he had nearly choked himself.

The superseded interpreter, who was standing near, seemingly took no notice, immediately traduced this literally to the unhappy men. A murmur arose amongst them. "Que el padre ya! Somos en Capilla entonces poco tiempo, poco tiempo!"

Then, calling upon "Doc" to follow him, he struck the spurs into Hercules, and rode forward at a gallop. It proved that this was just the very course to start the vaqueros, as the major had inspired them with more terror than all the rest of our party. They showed evident symptoms of taking to their heels, and I shouted to them at the top of my voice: "Alto! somos amigos!"

At this moment we could distinguish the voice of Raoul: "Alto! abajo las armas!" At this challenge we could see for they were still in sight that some of the Mexicans leaped clear up from the ground. One or two looked back, as if with the intention of re-entering the gorge, but a dozen muzzles met their gaze. "Adelante! adelante! somos amigos."

"Tell him who we are, then," replied Dr Nettleby. "He is probably out of his mind, but it may quiet him." "Somos marineros Inglesas we are English sailors," I therefore cried in as shrill a key as I could to reach his ear, raking up the almost forgotten memories of my early years, and, I'm afraid, speaking very bad Spanish.