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The view explains how the old expedition felt "every day more in love with this beautiful country," The sea-like river wants nothing but cattle on its banks to justify the description "Appunto una scena pastorale, a cui fanno Quinci il mar, quinci i colli, e d' ogn' intorno I fior, le piante, e l' ombre, e l' onde, e 'l cielo. Unteatro pomposo."

"Onward! onward!" cries the voice of youth; whether it may be that the days are bright, passing in joy and tranquillity, and we can say with the greatest French poet of the present day ay, the greatest, however it may seem Beranger, "Sur une onde tranquille, Voguant soir et matin, Ma nacelle est docile Au souffle du destin. La voile s'enfie-t-elle, J'abandonne le bord.

'Waterloo, Waterloo, morne plaine Comme une onde qui bout dans une urne trop pleine, And that second line always stuck in my head for the picture it made. I could see it, so vividly, an urn boiling over with the great gush of water springing up in it. It gave me a feeling, inside, a real physical feeling, I mean.

She went, and I got into bed, but I could not sleep, and while I lay waiting for Sister Angela I listened to some men who as they crossed the piazza were singing, in tremulous voices, to their mandolines and guitars, what I believed to be love songs, for I had begun to learn Italian. "Oh bella Napoli. Oh suol beato Onde soiridere volta il creato."

"Usa ogn'arte la donna, onde sia colto Nella sua rete alcun novello amante; Ne con tutti, ne sempre un stesso volto Serba; ma cangia a tempo atto e sembiante." Tasso, Jerus. Del., c. iv., v. 87. What is the secret of this art?

The kingdom of Onde has about five millions of people, or one-sixth of the population of the United Kingdom. Applied to the United Kingdom in the same rate of the population it would apply to 3,600 persons. Now, in both Houses of Parliament there are probably 700 landed proprietors.

E se 'l signor m'ha dato onde far novo Ogni anno mi potrei piu d'un mantello, Che mi abbia per voi dato, non approve. Egli l' ha detto." Mi debbe incatenar, schiavo tenermi, Obbligarmi ch'io sudi e tremi senza Rispetto alcun, ch'io muoja o ch'io m'infermi, Non gli lasciate aver questa credenza Ditegli, che più tosto ch'esser servo, Torrò la povertade in pazienza"

When I went away he cordially thanked me, while I assured him that I would so arrange the aria that he would certainly like to sing it. I think an aria should fit a singer as accurately as a well-made coat. I have also, for practice, arranged the air "Non so d' onde viene" which has been so charmingly composed by Bach.

Con queste genti, e con altre con esse, Vid' io Fiorenza in si fatto riposo, Che non avea cagione onde piangesse. Con queste genti vid' io glorioso E giusto il popol suo tanto, che 'l giglio Non era ad asta mai posto a ritroso, Ne per division fatto vermiglio. Paradiso, XVI. 140-154.

All at once Juan lifted his head, listened for a moment, and then said, with more show of animation than he had yet displayed and with positiveness in his voice: "Vacas!" Curly straightened up in his saddle as though electrified. "Vacas? Onde, Juan? where's any cows?" He knew well enough that no hoof of domestic cattle had ever trod this country.