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In five minutes we had seen, handled, and smelt enough to satisfy us with this very odd and very nasty vagary of tropic nature; and as we did not wish to become faint and ill, between the sulphuretted hydrogen and the blaze of the sun reflected off the hot black pitch, we hurried on over the water-furrows, and through the sedge-beds to the farther shore to find ourselves in a single step out of an Inferno into a Paradiso.

Dante and Petrarch, the two chaste poets, as they are sometimes called, were the most ardent patriots in all Italy. Midst the tortures of the Inferno or the joys of the Paradiso, the image of the stricken fatherland is ever with Dante, and more than once does he cry out against her cruel oppressors.

Then there came back to him the face of the Englishman he had seen talking to the violinist of the Paradiso. He hated the man because he was ugly and rich. These English were all rich, and yet they seemed to him a miserable race, mere ignorant bullies. He remembered how often he had come to the help of the English travellers who filled Egypt.

the birds were singing; and there were innumerable fair girls going by, about whom one might have made romances if one had not known better. Our friend pointed out to us the "pink jail" in which Dickens lived while at Genoa; and showed us on the brow of a distant upland the villa, called Il Paradiso, which Byron had occupied.

"Most persons when the last hour comes are resigned to the order of nature and the will of God. They are not thinking of Dante's 'Inferno' or 'Paradiso, or of the 'Pilgrim's Progress. Heaven and Hell are not realities to them, but words or ideas the outward symbols of some great mystery, they hardly know what."

Really, simplicity and reticence were the last things she considered, but the point is that they were considered at all in such a restless, passionate age. Later, in 1522, she established the Paradiso, a suite of apartments which she occupied after her husband's death. So you see the idea of a woman planning her own apartment is pretty old, after all.

So taught the half-inspired pagan philosopher whom Plato took as his guide in his contemplations of Nature. We trace the thought again in Dante, amidst the various fragments of ancient wisdom which he has embodied in the "Divina Commedia": Cio che non muore e cio che puo morire Non e se non splendor cli quella idea Che partorisco, amando, il nosfro Sire. Paradiso, XIII. 52-54.

Philip, in no mood for international amenities, merely bowed. "Italy too," the other continued a little resentfully, "is a great country. She has produced many famous men for example Garibaldi and Dante. The latter wrote the 'Inferno, the 'Purgatorio, the 'Paradiso. The 'Inferno' is the most beautiful."

At the time when Tintoretto was painting his 'Paradiso, his little daughter Marietta had grown to be a woman, and her painting too had become famous. She was invited to the courts of Germany and Spain to paint the portraits of the King and Emperor, but she refused to leave Venice and her beloved father.

In the spring of 1823, Byron persuaded them to occupy the Villa Paradiso, and was accustomed to accompany them frequently on horseback excursions along the coast to their favourite Nervi. It has been said that Lady Blessington's Conversations with Lord Byron are, as regards trustworthiness, on a par with Landor's Imaginary Conversations.