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She was very handsomely dressed, far muore like a fine Court dame than the wife of a simple citizen. Her comnpanion was a very pretty girl of about nineteen, whose abundant chestnut hair was dressed after a fashionable mode, although she refused to have it frizzed over her head as her mother's was, and would have preferred to dress it quite simply.

"But, Signora Caterina," interrupted Salvator, "I implore you by all the saints let me in to begin with, and then tell all about your fig-tree, your daughters, the kitten, and the fat woman. I am dying of cold and weariness." "Now, just see how impatient he is!" cried the old woman. "Chi va piano va sano; chi va presto muore lesto. The more haste the less speed, is what I always say.

These rocks have, perhaps, been more deeply soaked with blood than any other part of the entire Allied line on any continent. Here died many thousands of the bravest and the best of the youth of Italy. "Nella primavera si combatte e si muore, o soldato." How many great lovers, fathers, thinkers, poets, statesmen, that might have been, but never were, lie here!

A roar of a thousand voices was heard singing the national hymn: "Chi per la patria muore Vessuto ha assai!" La Luciola was carried in triumph to her coach by the students; the enthusiastic young men took the horses out of the traces and bore the carriage along themselves, shouting through the night air: "Long live La Luciola! Long live Italy!"

What could it all mean? A revolution? That would destroy all chances of the success of his opera, but Ticellini did not think of himself, when the fatherland was in question, and he enthusiastically hummed the first lines of the national hymn: "Chi per la patria muore Vessuto ha assai!" The parquet and balcony were filled with students, and only one proscenium box was still empty.

E che lo nuovo peregrin d'amore Punge, se ode squilla di lontano Che paia 'l giorno pianger che si muore." A famous passage, untiring in the repetition. It is, indeed, worthy to be the voice of Evening herself.

"No, brother," answered the lady, "I insist on the formality of its being delivered me, with a full ratification of all the concessions stipulated." "Why then I will deliver it to you. There 'tis," cries the squire. "I am sure, sister, you can't accuse me of ever denying to trust my daughter to you. She hath a-lived wi' you a whole year and muore to a time, without my ever zeeing her."

I say, Lorton," he added, addressing me, "I think that's one to me, eh?" "All right," said I, "score it up, if you like." And, we started down the stream homeward bound. Era gia l'ora che volge 'l disio, A' naviganti e 'ntenerisce il cuore, Lo di ch' ban detto a' dolci amici addio, E che lo nuova peregrin d'amore Punge, se ode Squilla di lontano, Che paja 'l giorno pianger che si muore!

And amid all the beauty of Rome in the spring, I was haunted by the grim refrain, "Nella primavera si combatte e si muore, o soldato," "In the springtide men fight and die, young soldier." I went away from Rome strengthened in my previous judgment that the Italians are not a militarist nation. There was no sign of the militarist, as distinct from the military, spirit at the Bersagliere Depôt.

So taught the half-inspired pagan philosopher whom Plato took as his guide in his contemplations of Nature. We trace the thought again in Dante, amidst the various fragments of ancient wisdom which he has embodied in the "Divina Commedia": Cio che non muore e cio che puo morire Non e se non splendor cli quella idea Che partorisco, amando, il nosfro Sire. Paradiso, XIII. 52-54.