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Chester stirred in his sleep and the man shrank back against the wall in the darkness. For perhaps five minutes he remained there, and then, as there was no further move by the sleeper, he advanced into the center of the room. The light fell upon his face, and had the boys been awake, they would have recognized in the intruder, Matin, the man who had attempted to shoot Hal a short time before.

"Monsieur le Count, I know, I know why it is that you go to America!" I made exclamation as I clasped to my breast my hands and my eyes shone with excitement. "I have read it in Le Matin just the day before yesterday. You go to buy grain against the winter of starvation in the Republique.

The following morning the matin bell summoned me to the Convent, and Frère Charle attended me to the burial ground; here have been deposited the remains of two of the brothers, deceased since the restoration of their order in 1814. Another grave was ready prepared; as soon as an interment takes place, one being always opened for the next that may die.

The paragraph inserted in the agony column of the Journal, the Echo de Paris and the Matin runs, 'Am prepared to buy back the pictures." The count agreed with a nod. Once again, the young man was teaching his elders. M. Filleul showed himself a good sportsman. "There's no doubt about it, my dear sir," he exclaimed. "I'm beginning to think your school-fellows were not quite wrong.

The early matin prime, she was wont to say, was always her brightest hour, but it found her, on the present occasion, white and worn, not with her long vigil, but because it was "borne in upon her," as poor Joanna used to say, that her son and she must part for his own good: so soon as the spring should come she would bid him go.

George was courteously declined affords no just ground for refusing it to those "whose matin hymn and vesper prayer reads, there is no God but George," etc.

She almost wished that she could have turned her face again on the pillow, and slept there safely for eternity. But the matin church-bells ceased it was nine o'clock. She must rise, and appear below for the first time as mistress in her own house. Also, she remembered faintly something which Mrs.

"Father, it is my duty to be near the person of my mistress, and it is a happiness to be near it on the occasion of this early matin." The monk was embarrassed. He looked from one to the other, in indecision, and was about to frame some pretence to get rid of the intruder, when Don Cainillo appeared in the middle of the room.

But the bell of the palace striking the matin hour, reminded him he was yet on earth; and looking up his eyes met those of Helen. His devotional rosary hung on his arm; he kissed it. "Wear this, holy maid," said he, "in remembrance of this hour!" She bowed her fair neck, and he put the consecrated chain over it.

"I don't believe I'd care for a friend like that." "I don't blame you," was the young officer's response. "Matin has a bad reputation and I would advise you to keep your eye on him." "Thanks," said Hal. "I shall remember that. By the way, can you tell me just where we are?" "Thiaumont farm," returned the French officer; "or, rather, I should say, just east of Thiaumont farm.