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The reasoning, as will have been seen, is not altogether free from doubt. It has been usual hitherto in historical investigations to call in question the assertions of a man about his own life only when thoroughly weighty reasons justified such a course. Is the evidence of a Dolce and of a Vasari so free from all objection that it outweighs Titian's personal statement? Before answering this question it should be pointed out that we possess two further statements of contemporary writers on the subject of Titian's age, statements which have escaped the notice of Mr. Cook. One is to be found in a letter from the Spanish Consul in Venice, Thomas de Cornoga, to Philip II., dated 8th December 1567 (published in the very important work by Zarco del Valle ). After informing the king of Titian's usual requests on the subject of his pension, and so on, he continues: "y con los 85 annos de su edad servira

Then oi said to eawr Marget, as we lay upo' t' floor, "We's never be lower i' this warld oi'm sure, If ever things awtern, oi'm sure they mun mend, For oi think i' my heart we're booath at t' far eend; For meeat we ha' none, Nor looms t' weyve on, Edad! they're as good lost as fund."

Meantime that year of new experience, uplifting love and growth by inches must ever remain wonderful to me with Aurelia's music in my ears and Love's wild music in my heart. Happy, happy days of my youth! "Dichosa edad y siglos dichosos aquellos, a quien los antiguos pusieron nombre de dorados!" cried the knight of La Mancha; and I may call that Paduan year my age of song.

DOÑA MATILDE. Se gloriarían entonces de llamarse tales, más que si me vieran habitando en palacios de cristal. DON EDUARDO. O, lo que es lo mismo, en casa de un vidriero. DOÑA MATILDE. Ya, si no crees tampoco en aquellas amistades que se engendran en la edad preciosa.... DON EDUARDO. En que no se sabe todavía lo que se quiere. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Qué terrible estás, Eduardo!

Diez y ocho años tiene usted, y más bien más que menos, edad, por mi desgracia, en que ya se calcula y se tiene la experiencia necesaria para conocer lo que se quiere y lo que conviene. Por eso, Matilde, no tema usted que la importune con mis súplicas, ni la entristezca con el relato de mis padecimientos ... no por cierto ... ¿de qué serviría?

In the valuable manuscript chronicle of the reign of the Catholic sovereigns, written by Andres Bernaldes, the curate of Los Palacios, there is a long tract on the subject of the discoveries of Columbus: it concludes with these words: Murio en Valladolid, el ano de 1506, en el mes de Mayo, in senectute bona, de edad 70 anos, poco mas o menos.

Zúñiga is careful to state that he is 'predicador y religioso, morador en el monasterio de Sanct Agustin de la dicha ciudad de Toledo, de edad de treinta y seis años', and again, 'predicador, profeso de la órden de Sanct Agustin... de la dicha ciudad de Toledo, é dijo ser de edad de treinta y seis años'. It appears that in the sixteenth century a very straight line was drawn by the Augustinians between official 'preachers' and 'professors': it was thought that the qualities needed by the one were not likely to be found in the other.