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In this garden at Tacubaya we saw for the first time the praying Mantis, and caught him as he sat in his usual devotional attitude. His Spanish name is "el predicador," the preacher. We got back to Mexico in time for the Corrida de Toros.

Zúñiga is careful to state that he is 'predicador y religioso, morador en el monasterio de Sanct Agustin de la dicha ciudad de Toledo, de edad de treinta y seis años', and again, 'predicador, profeso de la órden de Sanct Agustin... de la dicha ciudad de Toledo, é dijo ser de edad de treinta y seis años'. It appears that in the sixteenth century a very straight line was drawn by the Augustinians between official 'preachers' and 'professors': it was thought that the qualities needed by the one were not likely to be found in the other.

A. Bonilla y San Martín, Madrid, 1917; El perfecto predicador, ed. C. Muiños Saenz in La Ciudad de Dios , vol. XI, pp. 340-348, 432-447, 527-537; , vol. XII, pp. 15-25, 104-111, 211-218, 322-330, 420-427, 504-512; , vol. XIII, pp. 32-38, 106-114, 213-222, 302-312; , vol. A.M. Huntington, New York, 1903. WORKS OF REFERENCE: Proceso original que la Inquisicion de Valladolid hizo al maestro Fr.

There were distinguished exceptions, no doubt. But as a general rule a 'predicador' was rarely considered eligible for a university chair. X, pp. 68-69. The following is Zúñiga's account of what occurred: 'Item dijo que habrá trece años estando en Salamanca por huesped, le dijo Fr.