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You try to find him out and if you can do him a good turn, do it. `Willum, says I, `I'll do it trust me. `I do, says he, `and when may I expect you back in Californy, Wopper? `Willum, says I, `that depends. `True, says he, `it does. Give us you're flipper, old boy, we may never meet again in these terrestrial diggings. Good luck to you.

I don't suppose I could afford to buy it of ye " The artist's face lighted. "Do you want it?" "Harr'et might," cautiously, "if 't wa'n't too high. She's got an easel for it. She al'ays cal'ated to have me done, and she'd got as fur as the easel." His eye returned almost wistfully to the canvas. "Willum says it's a good likeness." He spoke with a kind of dubious pride. "It is good."

"Forty pounds, more or less," answered the Captain. Again the old woman's eyes sparkled greedily, and again the seaman's countenance fell. "Surely, ma'am," said the Captain, gravely, "things must be uncommon dear in London, for you tell me that Willum has sent you a deal of money in time past, but you don't seem to be much the better for it."

Willum J. O'Brien, he says, 'was born in th' County iv Mayo forty years ago, he says. 'He received a limited education, his parents even thin designin' him f'r th' Prisidincy. Bein' unable to complete a coorse at th' rayform school, he wint to wurruk; but soon, tired iv this, he started a saloon.

Soon after this catastrophe there was a prolonged silence. The Captain was reading. Mrs Roby shut her eyes and joined him in spirit. Thereafter the Captain's feet appeared at the trap where his head had been, and he descended with a final and tremendous crash to the floor. "See here, mother," he cried, with a look of delight, holding up a very soiled and crumpled letter, "that's from Willum."

"Now, sir," says he to Willum, "you see you can't remember what you have seen, and I believe the boys." "I doan't care," blusters the farmer; "they was arter my fowls to-day that's enough for I. Willum, you catch hold o' t'other chap.

"Well, then," began Armstrong, with the slightly conscious air of superior knowledge, "the Gulf Stream does not rise in the Gulf of Mexico " "Did I say that it did, Willum?" "Well, you said that it came out of the Gulf of Mexico and, no doubt, so far you are right, but what I mean is that it does not originate there."

'Write an invitation f'r ye'rsilf on ye'er cuff an' come along with us, says she. 'I'll do it, says the Cap, an' he sint f'r an automobile an' goes along. "Well, ivrything was all r-right f'r awhile, an' th' Cap was assaultin' a knuckle iv ham an' a shell iv beer, whin Willum Waldorf Asthor comes up an' taps him on th' shoulder an' says: 'Duck. 'What name? says th' Cap. 'Asthor, says Willum.

'Hurroo, hurroo, he says, lammin' th' man fr'm Iaway with his goold-headed cane. 'What ails ye, man alive? says I. 'Why, he says, 'they've nommynated Billy, he says. 'Billy who? says I. 'Why, Willum J. O'Brien, he says. "'A sthrong man, says he, addhressin' th' man fr'm Iaway. 'I shud say he was, says th' man. 'Th' sthrongest man that iver come down th' road, says Hinnissy.

You take special note of her, Wopper, and if it should seem to you that they don't treat her well, you let me know. `Willum, says I, `I will trust me. `Well, then, says Willum, `there's one other individooal I want you to ferret out, that's the gentleman he must be an old gentleman now that saved my life when I was a lad, Mr Lawrence by name.