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Willum J. O'Brien, he says, 'was born in th' County iv Mayo forty years ago, he says. 'He received a limited education, his parents even thin designin' him f'r th' Prisidincy. Bein' unable to complete a coorse at th' rayform school, he wint to wurruk; but soon, tired iv this, he started a saloon.

'Snowball, says I. 'Step inside this dureway, says I, 'less Clancy, th' polisman on th' corner, takes me f'r an octoroon, I says. 'What ar-re ye do-in'? says I. 'How did ye enjye th' prisidincy? says I. He laughed an' told me th' story iv his life. He wint to practisin' law an' found his on'y clients was coons, an' they had no assets but their vote at th' prim'ry.

''Twas a mere incident, says Mack. 'We've been frinds, he says; 'an' I've always wanted, he says, 'to do something f'r ye, he says. 'Th' time has come, he says, 'whin I can realize me wish, he says. 'I offer ye, he says, 'th' Prisidincy, to succeed me, he says. 'No, no, he says, 'I'll not be rayfused, he says. 'I'm tired iv it, he says.

"In a few short weeks, Hinnissy, 'twill not be safe f'r ayether iv the candydates to come out on th' fr-ront porch till th' waitin' dillygations has been searched be a polisman. 'Tis th' divvle's own time th' la-ads that r-runs f'r th' prisidincy has since that ol' boy Burchard broke loose again' James G. Blaine.