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"Don't you know who dot vos?" interrupted Otto, whose face seemed to grow wider with its immense grin. "How should I know." asked Jack, in turn. "Dot was mine fader. I dinks yon vosn't such a fool dot you wouldn't know dot right away." "I knew that he was the stingiest man in Kentucky, but I didn't suppose you spelled his name 'h-o-g."

Suddenly Otto slackened and turned about with a blanched face. "Mein gracious! I dinks I hef got de wrong road!" Jack was in despair; then he was angered. "Go on; go somewhere; don't stop here!" he said. And he almost shoved him off his feet in his desperate impatience. "Vosn't dot fooney?" said Otto, breaking into another desperate run; "it is the road arter all."

I cleared op a bagful of stuff in the dining-room... there vosn't, anything vorth snatching outer the parlor... and sixty-five quid out of an old cigar-box in the desk. The police 'as got it... I give it all back! I say I haf stolen, but murder? No!" He paused. "Go on," said the Chief. The prisoner looked about him in a frightened way.

"I ton't understand," stammered the German youth hopelessly. "That's so, and you won't in a thousand years, Hans. But you are the right sort, any way." "I dink I blay me Indian mineselluf some tay," mused Hans. "Dot vos lots of fun to make me tance, vosn't it? Vere you got dot bistol?" "Down in the barn.

It is hard to say whether it was weakness or the excess of her emotion that forced her down to her knees. She grasped one of the huge hands the man had extended towards her. He laid the other upon her bent back, very softly. "In course I do, you poor leetle leddy. Yes, I sure beliefe you. Dere vosn't anybotty vould hurt Hugo, unless dey vos grazy, you bet.

"I dink dot boetry vos make me tizzy already," came from Hans, as he sat down on a nearby chair, his face growing suddenly pale. "Hullo, Hans is sick!" cried Tom. "Hans, I thought you had better sea legs than that." "I vosn't sick at all, Dom, only vell, der ship looks like be vos going to dake a summersaults already kvick!" "You're seasick," said Sam. "Better go to your stateroom and lie down."

Und you vosn't eaten up alretty kvick!" "None of the animals troubled us, but the three-horned jibberjacker. He came into our house one night, crawled upstairs, and began to swallow Sam alive." "You ton't tole me!" "Yes, I do tell you. He had Sam in his mouth, and had swallowed him as far as his waist, when Sam began to kick on the floor with his feet."

I 'eard a fellow as vos there say, that they used to steal hoff at night and 'av hodd sport and leave none to tell the tale in the mornin. Glorious, vosn't it? And then ven they gathered hup the svag, they made it hall right vith the sentries and sometimes vith the hofficers themselves."

"Those Indians," said Jack, ignoring the absurdity of Otto's question, "saw such running as they never looked upon before. Deerfoot just scooted away from them, as though he had wings. One of the Hurons had treated him very bad and Deerfoot paid him." "How vosn't dot?" "He drove his tomahawk through his skull." "Yaw; I dinks he doesn't bodder Deerfoot not much more."

"I laughs ven some folks dinks dey ain't shmarter don dey vosn't all te vile, don't it?" And stopping her knitting she threw back her head and laughed unrestrainedly. Her husband hastily shoved the stem of his pipe between his lips, sunk lower down in the chair, and smoked so hard that his head soon became almost invisible in the vapor.