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Your honour doesn't need to be told at least, we hopes not that we didn't mean nothing in any way unbecoming or disrespectable to you or the rest of the hofficers no, not by no manner of means whatsomever.

"Of course I shouldn't have known nothing if the hofficers hadn't come, and it 'ud just have starved to death. It seems to know you, sir?" "Yes, yes, I dare say. Do you think you could make it convenient to keep the cat for the present, if I paid you for its food?" "Well, I don't see why not, sir; we ain't got none of our own." "And you would promise me to be kind to it?

"'E was in the syl-locker mykin' hup to 'er," the speaker said, "an' tellin' as 'ow 'e'd lead the crew arft, and kill the hofficers, and tyke charge 'imself. That's wot 'e says, s' 'elp me!" "Ah, yes, he was making up to her, eh? And plotting mutiny? And my wife lent herself to such a scheme, did she?" This came in Swope's voice, soft, purring, the very tone an insult.

Hofficers ob de Brish navy got notting else to do but kotch an' hang sitch varmints. Eh? I's right?" "Well, no," returned Captain Fitzgerald, laughing, "not altogether right as to the duties of officers of the British navy. However, you're right as to my object, and I see that this pirate is no friend of yours." "No friend, oh! no not at all. Him's far more nor dat.

"Oh, don't 'e, now don't 'e, Mr. Swipes, that's a dear!" cried the soft-hearted Mrs. Knuckledown; "don't 'e tell on her, the poor young thing. If her hath been carrying on a bit with some of them young hofficers, why, it's only natteral, and her such a young booty. Don't 'e be Dick-tell-tale, with a name to it, or without.

All round de baynets was charge, but dey haul up jist in time not to skewer one anoder, for de horse shotted out fro' between dem all, an' away straight to de Chili lines, whar dere was a great cheerin', for dey t'ought it was a deserter. When Conrad came up, he trotted quietly troo de ranks, till he got near to whar de Chili commander stood wid his hofficers, wonderin' who he was.

There's a stand of rifles at the for'ard bulkhead. Kill hoff the bloody lot of hofficers. Navigate the bloomin' ole 'ooker back ourselves and report whatever damn thing we like." "How about these passengers? They'd snitch," suggested the same questioner. "Aw no," sarcastically assured Hoak, "they won't snitch. They won't 'ave no more charnce to snitch than Coulter 'isself damn 'im."

I 'eard a fellow as vos there say, that they used to steal hoff at night and 'av hodd sport and leave none to tell the tale in the mornin. Glorious, vosn't it? And then ven they gathered hup the svag, they made it hall right vith the sentries and sometimes vith the hofficers themselves."

What? de black cook's-mate and all? But misfortune can't be help. Stop till I put up my needle, and I will take a turn wid you. Proper dat British hofficers in distress should assist one anoder we shall consult togeder. How can I serve you?" "Why, Peter, if you could help us to a passage to Port Royal, it would be serving us most essentially.

It will be a promise to supply commodities to the amount specified on the note, and as there could be no dearth of those things there could be no possibility of bankruptcy. 'I should like to know who's goin' to appoint the hofficers of this 'ere hindustrial harmy, said the man on the pail.