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"Si Si," rejoined the Queen, "parlate tutto yes, yes, speak out and tell us all."

"For here mid sepulchres were sprinkled fires, Wherewith the enkindled tombs all-burning gleamed; Metal more fiercely hot no art requires." "Che tra gli avelli flamme erano sparte, Per le quali eran si del tutto accesi, Che ferro piu non chiede verun' arte." Inferno, IX. 118-120. Does it not seem that in all these cases Mr. Longfellow, and to a slightly less extent Mr.

"A man is ill." The faces were blank. Daphne hastily consulted her phrase-book. "I wish food," she remarked glibly. "I wish soup, and fish, and red wine and white, and everything included, tutto compreso." The brown eyes lighted; these were more familiar terms. "Now?" cried Assunta and Giacomo in one breath, "at ten o'clock in the morning?" "Si," answered Daphne firmly, "please, thank you."

Have I known the love in which alone all sweetness lives?" The thought had come in like a firefly through an open window. "Have I? Have I?" And something within her felt a stab of pain, something within her soul and yet surely a thousand miles away. "Tutto tutto al mondo e vano," murmured Lady Cardington. "We feel that and we feel it, and do you?" "To-day I seem to," answered Lady Holme.

Did he come there, I wonder, with poor Fiammetta, and enter the tomb with her tender hand in his, before ever he thought of that cruel absence she tells of? "O donne pietose!" I hope so, and that this pilgrimage, half of love and half of letters, took place, "nel tempo nel quale la rivestita terra più che tutto l'altro anno si mostra bella."

I could hardly believe my eyes when I reflected that this man had painted the famous "Last Judgment," and had made all those statues. Dante is, or was a year or two ago, a waiter at Brissago on the Lago Maggiore, only he is better-tempered-looking, and has a more intellectual expression. He gave me his ideas upon beauty: "Tutto ch' e vero e bello," he exclaimed, with all his old self-confidence.

E se Francesco Carli nostro ci fosse tornato dal Cairo, advisate che alla ventura vorra andere seco a detto viaggio, e credo si conoschino al Cairo dove e stato piu anni; e non solo in Egitto ed Soria, ma quasi per tutto il cognito mondo; e di qua mediante sua virtu e stimato un altro Amerigo Vespucci, un altro Ferrando Magaghiana, e davantaggio; e speriamo che rimontandosi delle altre buone navi e vascelli ben conditi a vettovagliati come si richiede, abbia ad iscoprire qualche profittoso traffico e fatto; e fara, prestandogli nostro Signore Dio vita, onore alla nostra patria da acquistarne immortale fama e mamoria.

spoke to his heart of l'infinita vanitá del tutto, and perceived how close is the kinship between love and death, and how "when love is born deep down in the heart, simultaneously a languid and weary desire to die is felt in the breast."

"Si Si," rejoined the Queen, "parlate tutto yes, yes, speak out and tell us all."

And as she sang the refrain for the last time she seemed to herself to be searching for the form that must surely be very wonderful, searching for it in the many eyes that were fixed upon her. She looked at Sir Donald: "Dice: Tutto al mondo e vano:" She looked at Rupert Carey: "Nell'amore ogni dolcezza."