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It is curious to observe the care with which at the embassies a new name is registered by the servants, who scream it from anteroom to salon, and how considerately a deputation waits on you at Christmas and New Year's, or, indeed, whenever you are about to leave Rome to take your villeggiatura, for the purpose of conveying to you the good wishes of the season or of invoking for you a "buon viaggio."

"Nay, nay," continued the other, "we've no time to dispute about it. Value it as you please. Come, you are a brave little old signor one more cup of wine and we'll pay the reckoning. No compliments I insist on it. So now make the best of your way back to Terracina; it's growing late buono viaggio! and harkee, take care how you wander among these mountains."

Il Viaggio A Reims was played. Le Moniteur, apropos of this work, said: "It is an opera of a mould which, under the forms of the Opera Buffa, presents some ideas not destitute of comedy, in which homage of love and respect is at times expressed with an art that French taste cannot disavow.

"A thousand thanks, Excellency," said the boy, with a bow that was magnificent; and he proceeded to distribute the money between various obscure pockets. "A thousand thanks, Excellency," said the girl, with a courtesy. "Addio, a buon' viaggio," said Peter. "Addio, Eccellenze," said the boy. "Addio, Eccellenze," said the girl.

All the various disguises which have been assumed, per viaggio, are here immediately abandoned, and, stripped of the travelling costume of urbanity and courtesy, which they put on for the voyage, they stand forth in all the unblushing front of selfishness and self-interest. Some tender scenes yet find their place amid the debris of this chaotic state.

Margaret Devereux missed seeing the church and its Titian, but she got a "great moral lesson." She never wasted her pretty pleadings in such a hopeless cause again. I remember, when we mounted the Campanile, the solemn way in which he wished us buon viaggio. When we reached the top, we made out his figure reclining on many chairs in front of "Florian's."

Eichholz, neue Briefe uber italien. 4 vols. 8vo. Zurich, 1806. Reise nach Dalmatien und Ragusa. Von. E.F. Germar, 8vo. Leip. 1817. Viaggio Geologico sur diversi Parti Meriodinali dell Italia. Milan, 1804. 8vo.

Erinnerungen von einer Reise durch England, 1803-5. Von Johanna Schopenhauser. 2 vols. 8vo. Rudolst, 1813. Light and lively sketches. P. Coronelli Viaggio nell' Enghilterra. Venice, 1697. 8vo.

The next day, when their mended carriage had come up to fetch them, and they were just starting to drive away from the inn, the Conte's old servant appeared with the rose-cutting neatly wrapped up, and the compliments and wishes for a buon viaggio from her master. The town collected to see them depart, and the children ran after their carriage through the gate of the little city.

Pigafetta does not cite it in his treatise on navigation; but in the forty-fifth page of his work it is said: "Secondo la misura che facevamo del viaggio colla cadena a poppa, noi percorrevamo 60 a 70 leghe al giorno." This was as rapid a rate as that of our fastest steamboats ten knots an hour. The European mail reaches Manila through Singapore and Hongkong.