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altro avvien di cose altere e nuove In cui si preme la natura; e’l cielo E ch’ a lor parto largo s’ apparecchia. Dio, suo grazia, mi si mostra altrove, Più che ’n alcun leggiadro e mortal velo; È quel sol amo, perchè ’n quel si specchia. My intention in going to Italy was not to seek for advantage or honour, but to study.

"Era la stagione nella quale la rivestita terra, più che tutto l' altro anno, si mostra bella," he said, without other salutation, throwing his soft gray hat on a heap of magazines and newspapers in the corner, and finding what perch he could for himself on the window-sill.

They express his highest idea of beautyman created in the image of God, as he testifies in this vault, and in the sonnet ending:— Dio, suo grazia, mi si mostra altrove, Più che’n alcun leggiadro e mortal velo; E quel sol amo, perchè’n quel si specchia. Nor hath God deigned to show himself elsewhere More clearly than in human form sublime Which, since they image Him, alone I love.

"No'l mostra gia, ben che in suo cor ne rida." Tasso, Jerus. Del., c. iv. v. 33. Her expression remains unchanged; but in spite of her modest look and downcast eyes, her tender heart is throbbing with joy, and it tells her that she has found Telemachus. If I relate the plain and simple tale of their innocent affections you will accuse me of frivolity, but you will be mistaken.

Did he come there, I wonder, with poor Fiammetta, and enter the tomb with her tender hand in his, before ever he thought of that cruel absence she tells of? "O donne pietose!" I hope so, and that this pilgrimage, half of love and half of letters, took place, "nel tempo nel quale la rivestita terra più che tutto l'altro anno si mostra bella."

"E fuor di quel cespuglio oscuro e cieco Fa di se bella et improvvisa mostra, Come di selva o fuor d'ombroso speco Diana in scena, o Citerea si mostra," &c. And it is as artful and dramatic as off-hand; for this Amazon, Bradamante, is the future heroine of the warlike part of the poem, and the beauty from whose marriage with Ruggiero is to spring the house of Este.

Notwithstanding their efforts, however, the mostra or duello between two persons, by which the combat should begin, was often converted into the frotta or mêlée, in which all pressed forward without order. The first advantage was held to be for one of the combatants to draw blood, if it were only a single drop, from the nose or mouth of his opponent.

When we had surveyed everything within doors I was asked to look at the mostra the sign that hung over the entrance; a sort of griffin in wrought iron, this, too, copied from an old masterpiece, and reminding one of the fine ironwork which adorns the streets of Siena. Don Pasquale could not be satisfied until I had privately assured him of my genuine admiration.