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Although disgusted with the life I was leading I was unwilling to change it: Simigliante a quells 'nferma Che non puo trovar posa in su le piume, Ma con dar volta suo dolore scherma. Thus I tortured my mind to give it change, and I fell into all these vagaries in order to get away from myself.

Sismondi, Hist. des Rép. Ital., vol. i. ch. v. "Ha saputo trovar modo che non uno, non pochi, non molti, signoreggiano, ma molti buoni, pochi migliori, e insiememente, un ottimo solo." Wisdom this, indeed. Daru, liv. xii. ch. xii. Daru, liv. xvi. cap. xx. We owe to this historian the discovery of the statutes of the tribunal and date of its establishment.

[Footnote 2: "Fugge tra selve spaventose e scure, Per lochi inabitati, ermi e selvaggi. Il mover de le frondi e di verzure Che di cerri sentia, d' olmi e di faggi, Fatto le avea con subite paure Trovar di qu

"Nay, beloved Sovereign Lady; it is not legend but simple historic truth, which your Majesty hath granted me permission to narrate a tale of love and loyalty of the annals of our house; and out of it hath come this Cyprian proverb: 'Quel che Iblin è non si può trovar. 'Such an one as Iblin may no man find!" Dama Margherita, usually so pale and grave, was flushed and eager; her deep eyes sparkled; her breath came fast.

Although disgusted with the life I was leading I was unwilling to change it: Simigliante a quella 'nferma Che non puo trovar posa in su le piume, Ma con dar volta suo dolore scherma. Thus I tortured my mind to give it change and I fell into all these vagaries in order to get out of myself.

Although disgusted with the life I was leading I was unwilling to change it: Simigliante a quells 'nferma Che non puo trovar posa in su le piume, Ma con dar volta suo dolore scherma. Thus I tortured my mind to give it change, and I fell into all these vagaries in order to get away from myself.

Although disgusted with the life I was leading I was unwilling to change it: Simigliante a quells 'nferma Che non puo trovar posa in su le piume, Ma con dar volta suo dolore scherma. Thus I tortured my mind to give it change, and I fell into all these vagaries in order to get away from myself.

"Ben furo avventurosi i cavalieri Ch' erano a quella eta, che nei vallone, Nelle scure spelonche e boschi fieri, Tane di serpi, d'orsi e di leoni, Trovavan quel che nei palazzi altieri Appena or trovar pon giudici buoni; Donne che nella lor piu fresca etade Sien degne di aver titol di beltade." Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, can. xiii. 1.

But when they were riding side by side again, and the city was coming nearer, he would not be put off for any whim of hers. "If thou hast discovered my secret which I would fain know most worshipful Dama Margherita, I would that thou shouldst proclaim it wherever thy tongue listeth. 'Quel che Iblin è, non si può trovar!"