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European plays have been reshaped for the Japanese stage, and European novels rewritten for Japanese readers. But a literal version is rarely attempted; for the original incidents, thoughts, and emotions would be unintelligible to the average reader or playgoer. Plots are adopted; sentiments and incidents are totally transformed. "The New Magdalen" becomes a Japanese girl who married an Eta.

In fact, there's no limit to what you can absorb from idle and vicious companions. In one term alone I myself picked up banjo playing, pole vaulting, a little Spanish, a bad case of mumps, and two flunks, simply by associating with the Eta Bita Pie gang twenty-seven hours a day. But nobody had to show Keg how to get jobs after his first experience.

Among the double stars of Perseus we note first eta, whose components are of magnitudes four and eight, distance 28", colors white and pale blue. The double epsilon is especially interesting on account of an alleged change of color from blue to red which the smaller star undergoes coincidently with a variation of brightness.

The Indians called him Eta Keazah, or Sullen Face. But after the lapse of years, the boy, who brooded over the wrongs of his father, eagerly seeks an opportunity to avenge his own. His sister has never been forgotten; but he remembers her as we do a beautiful dream; and she is the spirit that hovers round him while his eyes are closed in sleep. But there are others who hold a place in his heart.

They are never allowed to enter any house in Matsue except the shop of a dealer in geta and other footgear. Originally vagrants, they were permanently settled in Matsue by some famous daimyo, who built for them small houses koya on the bank of the canal. Hence their name. As for the eta proper, their condition and calling are too familiar to need comment in this connection.

Sad and melancholy she sat, and her friend O Kuma tried to comfort her in various ways; but O Koyo yearned, with all her heart, for Genzaburô; and the more she thought over the matter, the better she perceived that she, as the daughter of an Eta, was no match for a noble Hatamoto. And yet, in spite of this, she pined for him, and bewailed her own vile condition.

"Boy, you certainly are burning up space! What have you got in your fuel tanks? Light speed?" "Just a little thing we whipped up," said Astro with a grin. "What is your ETA on Deimos, Tom?" "Less than five minutes. Four minutes and thirty seconds, to be exact. Think you can beat that?" "If we can't beat it, we can equal it!" said Astro. "See you on the Martian moon, buddy! End transmission!"

We saw that this can be detected on the superficial test of colour. The colours of the stars are, it is true, an unsafe ground to build upon. The astronomer still puzzles over the gorgeous colours he finds at times, especially in double stars: the topaz and azure companions in beta Cygni, the emerald and red of alpha Herculis, the yellow and rose of eta Cassiopeiae, and so on.

These young people stretched side by side on the grass in Hyde Park added a pastoral charm to the scene, a suggestion of the "Bella eta, dell' oro" not to be had elsewhere in our iron civilization.

Among the latter we select as our first example sigma, in which we find a combination of color that is at once very unusual and very striking green and blue. The magnitudes are five and seven, distance 3", p. 324°. Another beautiful colored double is eta, whose magnitudes are four and seven and a half, distance 5", p. 200°, colors white and purple.